Islamophobia/Discrimination Incident Report

If you believe you have been the victim or witness of discrimination, harassment, or a hate crime, please fill out and submit an Incident Report Form with as much detail as possible.

The UW MSA advocates on behalf of those who identify as Muslims at the University of Waterloo and who have experienced anti-Muslim discrimination, hate or bias.

The UW MSA respects your privacy and confidentiality and will ensure that the information you share with us will not be shared with others without your consent.

For further questions or inquiries, please contact us at

For extremely urgent and emergency-related incidents, please email; average response rates are within the same day

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Full Name (optional)
Please describe the incident *
Include date, time, witnesses, names of aggressors, and any and ALL details about religious discrimination.
How has this impacted you/the person involved? *
Date of the incident *
Are you interested in only reporting this incident to NCCM, or would you like to take further action?
Email *
Phone number *
I authorize UW MSA to discuss the details of my case with third parties (such as WUSA and the University of Waterloo administration), as necessary, who may be able to provide further assistance in resolving my complaint.
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