Fort Atkinson Middle School Culture and Climate Survey

At FAMS we want to continue doing what is working well while also striving to become an even more successful school. In order to do this, we need to have a clear picture of current needs and develop a plan for designing improvements. We are asking every student in our school to complete this climate survey so that our school leaders can use to collect student perceptions about current strengths and needs. 

In order to get accurate and useful information, we are asking every student to take this survey seriously and answer each question honestly. I will be reading each question aloud, and will pause to give you time to give your response.

You will answer each question with a 4 point scale with 1 meaning "rarely" or this is hardly ever true, 2 meaning "sometimes", 3 meaning "often", and 4 meaning "almost always". Please do not work ahead.   

Are there any questions?

At this time, go to the FAMS homepage and click on the STUDENTS tab at the top of the page.  The Climate Survey is the top link in the menu.

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