Fenwick Rugby Interest Form - 2022
Please complete this form to express interest in playing Boys' Rugby at Fenwick in Spring 2022. No experience is required, and new players are encouraged to join the team. The Athletics Department will be in touch regarding upcoming information meetings for students and families.

Contact Coach Mahon (fenwickrugby@gmail.com) and Ms. Steinmeyer (tsteinmeyer@fenwickfriars.com) with any questions.
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Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Student's Fenwick Email *
Student's Class Year *
Please list any additional Fenwick teams in which you participate:
Please list any additional teams (e.g., club, AAU, travel) in which you participate:
Do you have any prior experience playing rugby? (None is required.)
Please let us know of any conflicts you anticipate with other sports/activities.
Parent/Guardian Contact #1 First Name *
Parent/Guardian Contact #1 Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Contact #1 Email *
Parent/Guardian Contact #1 Phone *
Parent/Guardian Contact #2 First Name
Parent/Guardian Contact #2 Last Name
Parent/Guardian Contact #2 Email
Parent/Guardian Contact #2 Phone
Student's Home Address *
Player T-Shirt Size *
Player Short Size *
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