RESULTS: Upcoming Lobby Meetings
Please let us know of your upcoming lobby meetings with congressional offices. It is particularly useful for meetings at the RESULTS International Conference. Please fill in information for ONLY ONE MEETING AT A TIME.

After your meeting, please tell us how it went by filling out the RESULTS Lobby Report Form:  

If you have questions, contact Lisa Marchal at for global poverty meetings or Jos Linn at for U.S. poverty meetings.

Thank you and have a great meeting!

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What is your name? *
What is your e-mail address? *
What is your RESULTS group name? (e.g. RESULTS Omaha) *
Who is your Regional Coordinator? *
What is the date of your meeting? *
What is the time of your meeting? *
Is this meeting part of the RESULTS International Conference (July 13-16, 2019)? *
Is your meeting with a representative's office or senator's office?
What is the last name of the member of Congress with whom you are planning to meet? If you are not sure of the name, look it up at: *
What state is this member of Congress from? *
Who will be in the meeting? *
Who are the key aides you will meet with? Please indicate their title, e.g. foreign policy aide, tax aide, etc. *
What issue areas do you plan to cover in this meeting? *
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