Customer Breakthrough Package Form
Fill our as much info as you'd like to share. I will use statistics and research to fill in the blanks for any info you don't know!
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Your Name (First, Last) *
Phone *
Email *
Your business name *
What type of business is this? *
What is your main website link (or social link if you don't have a website) *
Who referred you?
What do you hope to achieve by utilizing this package?
Is your business for in person sales (local only) or do you also do business online (nation wide or globally)?
Tell me about who you think your demographics are (age group, male/female ratio, income, anything you'd like to tell me about your customer base as you see it)
Which social media platforms are you currently using for your business?
Are you open to using more social media platforms or do you prefer to stick with only the ones you currently use?
Are you interested in adding blogs (either written yourself or by someone you hire) to your content?
Is there anything specific you'd like to know in addition to our standard findings? (Example: "Would any of my clients be likely to attend a speaking event?" or "Would a podcast likely serve my clients well?")
Do you currently have someone handling your social media or would you like assistance with that?
If you plan to refer others ($1500 referral payment per package sold) please add your CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal ID below where I can send your payments! (I only pay through these methods... no checks will be sent.)
Thank you!
I'll get back to you within 24 hours! If you need to reach me before then you are welcome to call or text 870-393-2222 or email
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