Tele-Trivia: Mom Movies
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Player/Team Name *
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Directions:  Name the title of the movies pictured below. Use an "unpinch" on your trackpad to zoom in on the images.
Row 1 of 5
1) Name the movie
1 point
2) Name the movie
1 point
3) Name the movie
1 point
Row 2 of 5
4) Name the movie
1 point
5) Name the movie
1 point
6) Name the movie
1 point
Row 3 of 5
7) Name the movie
1 point
8) Name the movie
1 point
9) Name the movie
1 point
Row 4 of 5
10) Name the movie
1 point
11) Name the movie
1 point
12) Name the movie
1 point
Last Row
13) Name the movie
1 point
14) Name the movie
1 point
15) Name the movie
1 point
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