Influencer Interactive CCPA Form

Influencer Interactive values your privacy. If you would like to submit a request pertaining to your data under the California Consumer Privacy Act, please complete the form below. The request will be handled based on the information you provide in the form below. Please note, if you have multiple email addresses or phone numbers that you have used with us and would like to make a request for each one, you must submit a separate request for each.
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Email *
Request Type *
First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone Number *
Optional - Detail any specific information you are requesting.
Originating Domain
This is pre-filled from the link you clicked to arrive at this form.
This request is reserved for California Residents only. Before proceeding, please attest to your California residency.
This information will be used to process your CCPA request and for no other purpose. Influencer Interactive will maintain a record of your request persuant to Civil Code section 1798.105(d). If you are submitting a request on behalf of a consumer, you must attach written proof that you have been authorized by the consumer to operate on his/her behalf when you reply to the verification email.
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