Join the ECCN Mentorship program as a Mentor!
To foster opportunities for continued learning and professional development in the land conservation field, the Early Conservation Career Network (ECCN) Committee of the Mass Land Trust Coalition invites you to apply to be a mentor for emerging land leaders in Massachusetts! We are looking for mentors with a variety of skill sets, interests, and experiences.

How it works:

The ECCN committee has created brief surveys (see below) to be completed by mentors and mentees. Once completed, your response will populate into a communal excel form (which will be shared with you after completing your submission), viewable to the ECCN network at large. Because all information will be shared, please complete the form below to whatever degree you are most comfortable with (note: you can leave any question blank). It is then the responsibility of the mentees to review mentor responses and reach out to connect with you directly.

After submitting this form, a confirmation email will be sent to you with links to both the Mentor Page and Mentee Page, with responses listed from both groups.

The time commitment involved in mentorship is up to you. The survey allows you to choose from three levels of engagement (on-going, moderate or minimal), which are described further below.  Asking both mentors and mentees to specify their desired level of engagement is meant to aid the matching process,  but the precise level and duration of mentorship can be determined by the individuals involved. You may choose how many mentees you are able/willing to support at one time.

If you are no longer able to offer mentorship support, you can request to be removed from the Mentors Page at any time by contacting .

The Role of the ECCN Committee:

The ECCN committee will NOT match mentees and mentors, it is up to each individual to use this tool to make connections and build networks. The ECCN committee will manage this tool by reviewing submissions, making changes for appropriateness and consistency, and editing or removing listings by request of participants. If you are contacted by a mentee, are no longer able to offer mentorship support, or need to make changes to your submission, please contact:

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Name (first and last): *
Please share your contact information:
E-mail *
How do you prefer to be contacted?
Please share any current affiliations (institution/ organization):
Please share any recent relevant affiliations (institution/ organizations):
What is your educational/professional focus?
What topics can you offer mentorship/support on? (please select all that apply)
If you selected "other" above, please share additional topics you can provide mentorship on.
What level of mentorship/support can you offer? (These are suggested guidelines. If at any point you can no longer offer mentorship support, you can request to be removed from the program by emailing
Please briefly share any additional relevant information about your ability to provide mentorship (abilities, limitations, etc.)
Affinity Mentorship: To support inclusivity in the land conservation field, we want to promote affinity mentorship as part of our model. Affinity Mentorship allows connections based on one or more aspects of a person's identity (race, gender, sexual orientation, language, nationality, physical/mental ability, socio-economic class, family structure, religion, etc.) Are you able/interested in providing affinity mentorship based on your identities? If yes, please share a little more below.
How many mentees are you able/ willing to support at one time?
Clear selection
How would you prefer to connect with mentees?
Clear form
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