Untamed Encounter Form
We are excited to host you in Southern Africa on this immersive leadership adventure from the 11th of October to the 18th. Please take a few moments to complete questions so that our team can make the most out of our time together. During the next few months we will be sending you more information on what to bring and how to prepare for your travels. 
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Email *
First & Last Name *
Phone Number
Physical Address (We'll be sending you a few tools ahead of time)
Do you require any assistance in booking flights to and from Harare? (Ensure that you arrive before the 12th and leave after the 17th of October).
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Do you have any food allergies or diet preferences? If so please describe. 
Describe your favorite meal.
On a scale of 1-10, how adventurous are you? *
Solo Travelers: Do you mind sharing a room with another solo traveler of the same sex?
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What would like to walk away with from this experience? *
Please list your industry of work as well as any personal hobbies.  *
What is the most extreme thing you've ever done?
Who referred you to the Untamed Encounter Zimbabwe
Have you ever been to Africa? If yes, when and where. *
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