Diocese of Guildford Treasurers' forum
The Diocese of Guildford Treasurers' peer support forum - creating a network of support and expertise. Ask questions, discuss issues, and share experience with those in the same boat!The forum is powered by Google groups, and works as an automatic email remailer, which will copy messages sent to the central address guildfordtreasurers@googlegroups.com to the entire group.

Once signed up, you can log into the group settings to change whether you receive email as soon as it is sent, in a daily digest or a digest every 25 emails, or even none at all if you wish to view the email online.

This format has already been trialled with a group of Churchwardens in the Diocese, and most have found that they get the  best out of the group by receiving emails as soon as they are sent.

If you have any queries, please contact comms@cofeguildford.org.uk 

Enter your information below to join the group. This information will be held securely and not used for any other purpose.

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