Wikidata Query Service user survey 2021
Thank you for helping the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Deutschland better understand your priorities and needs for Wikidata Query Service (WDQS). Over the next year, it is one of our top priorities to scale WDQS, and this survey is intended to help us work with the community of users to best optimize this service for functionality and reliability/stability. We appreciate your participation in this process, and look forward to sharing out an overview of the results and how it informs our scaling decisions.
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Roughly how often do you use Wikidata Query Service (WDQS)? *
Please rank your top priorities for WDQS functionality for your needs from the list below: 1 - most important, 2 - second priority, ..., 5 - least important (unique values for each)
1 - highest priority
5 - lowest priority
Ease of use -- I want WDQS and/or the WDQS API to be easier to use
Response latency -- It is important to me that my queries return results quickly
Timeouts -- It is important to me to be able to run long queries without timeouts
Graph completeness -- It is important to me that I can query the entire Wikidata graph, and not only a smaller relevant subgraph
Data freshness -- I want to be able to query the most recent updates to Wikidata
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Data freshness: Generally speaking, how quickly do you need Wikidata edits be reflected in WDQS results?
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Response time: How likely would you be to use a feature that allowed you to receive your query results asynchronously?
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Ease of use: How satisfied are you with using SPARQL for data querying?
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What best fits your primary goals for using WDQS? *
How else could we improve WDQS for your needs?
If you are interested in being available for potential follow-up questions, please provide an email address we can contact you at.
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