Mbare Musika Hackathon at PyConZim2018
Mbare Musika Hackathon at Zim PyCon2018

The Mbare Musika Traders and BitMari are holding a collaborative hackathon in Harare on the 20th October at PyConZim 2018.

This hackathon is a result of the long standing partnership between BitMari and the Mbare Musika Traders to highlight the world class traders we have in Zimbabwe.


1. Value Addition:   Due to inadequate storage facilities and lack of capacity to add value to farm produce, traders sometimes end up losing their perishables and money. Come up with a solution that will help traders get the most out of their farm produce.

- You can work as a team or as individuals, you will be given a chance to pitch your idea to a panel of Mbare Musika Traders. Start working on your projects now!
- Each Team will have 5 mins to pitch their Idea.

Date  : Saturday 20 Oct 2018.

Price : $200 and developing your idea with Mbare Musika traders.

Venue : Cresta Oasis Harare, Zimbabwe
PyconZim :

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