Our Data Matters: An untold story of sexual abuse in the Black community (expected time for completion is 5-15 mins)
This survey is for ALL Black people, not just those that have been victimized. The goal is to get accurate as possible data about the prevalence of sexual assault/abuse in the Black community which means we need to know how often it is and is not happening!

When looking at the available information on the prevalence of sexual trauma in the Black community, it is apparent that the numbers do not accurately depict what is happening in our households. In order for us to have the relevant resources, access to culturally competent treatment, and healing modalities that centers OUR needs then we need the data to show us exactly what is necessary and right now the "math ain't mathing."

Dr. Yulinda Renee Rahman is the founder of Heal On Purpose Inc. a nonprofit organization committed to providing education on and researching the social impact of sexual trauma in the Black community while simultaneously creating and providing resources that center Black people’s lived experiences. This survey is part of that work.  This survey is also anonymous. No identifying information will be collected.

This topic is heavy and triggering, so please take care of yourself as you complete it. Create space for yourself, have someone you can call to talk to, and if you happen to be in therapy consider filling this out while in session. 988 is a Mental Health Emergency Hotline you can call if extra support is needed. 

To remain anonymous DO NOT SIGN IN TO GOOGLE!
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I identify as Black/African American *
Is one of my biological parents Black/African American? *
Age *
Sex assigned at birth (for statistical purposes only) *
Gender Identification *
Sexual Orientation
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Location (State) *
Location (City) *
The questions you are about to be asked will very likely be triggering and may be disturbing and as important as this data is safety and informed consent are the most important. If at any moment this survey feels overwhelming please pause, breathe in for 4, hold for 4, and exhale for 4 as many times as necessary before continuing.
This is not to scare anyone away from completing the survey, only to express a desire to caretake. Your willingness to complete this is appreciated beyond words.  The data collected will be impactful!
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