Volunteer at Salisbury Repair Cafe (SRC)
Are you nifty with the sewing machine / soldering iron / 3-D printer / leather stitching awl / string & glue? Get involved and put your skills to good use.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name
Your email address
Your Phone number
What skills can you offer?
Please indicate your level of competence in each skill:  1=reasonably competent,  2=competent,  3=professional
How often can you offer your help?
We are currently aiming to run the Repair Cafe once a month on a Saturday 9am to 1pm; as demand for the Cafe increases we will review the frequency and timing.
Anything else? Comments? Suggestions?
Our Privacy Policy is at www.salisburyrepaircafe.org/privacy

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