Kū-punawai Sign-up
Want to serve as a punawai to others in Kanaeokana?

From time-to-time Kanaeokana participants may want to talk to someone who can serve as a punawai, someone who might uplift and energize their work by providing anykine kōkua, sage counsel, insights from their part of the pae ʻāina, ʻikena from the specific areas of specialty they hold, or whatever might be waiwai to participants.

Though the name makes us think about “kūpuna,” this isn’t meant to be a group of lucky retired folx hanging out playing trumps, but rather people ready to serve as refreshing punawai to others. Would you like to volunteer to offer some wai huʻihuʻi to fellow Kanaeokana participants in need of a burst of energy and nourishment?  

Here's the kuleana:
  1. Let folx know you'd be willing to kōkua. You'd be on a Kūpunawai list shared in an ʻAha Kūkā follow-up note to Kanaeokana participants. The list would include contact info (name and email, with phone number being optional). And don't worry, we won't make a public post to the whole wide world that you're here to help. 
  2. If Kanaeokana participants reach out for your kōkua, advice, insights, etc., it's up to you to say, "ʻAe, hiki nō!" or "Auē, ʻaʻole i hiki i kēia manawa." Whether, when, where, how, how much, and for whom you might kōkua is totally up to you! 
Note:  On purpose we're not asking you to share the nature of the wai that characterizes your punawai. If the requestor is worthy of your kōkua, insights, advice, etc., they already know something about you (which is why they chose you to lean on). 

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Would you be willing to be included on the Kanaeokana Kū-punawai listing? *
Organization affiliation *
Inoa hope *
Inoa mua (or inoa maʻamau) *
Email *
Phone number
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