Salt River Jr. ACE - Orientation and Activity
Event Days: Thursday, April 29, 2021
Event Time: 4:00 p.m. (Virtual Presentation)
Needed: Online access, Pick Up Supplies, email picture of completed project
Salt River Cultural Resource
Presentation by Cody Achin on Petroglyphs
A presentation will be given on the importance of preserving pottery and pottery shards. This activity will mimic pottery shards or petroglyphs on sheets of Plaster of Paris. The sheets will be broken to create the pottery shard imitations. Students will draw on the shards to get an idea of the importance saving the shards and preserving shards of pottery that is found.
All supplies will be provided on Wednesday, April 28th from 3:00 to 5:30 PM. Pick up in from of Education Administration at 4836 N. Center Street.