GV Academy πŸ“š - TestΒ 

Welcome to the Global Academies evaluation πŸƒ The objective of this test is to challenge yourself by testing your knowledge. After taking the academy and joining GFS, you, as MCVP should have all the advanced knowledge that your role demands, what better way to prove it than by getting certified?

  1. Once you submit your answers, they will be evaluated.
  2. If you get more than 80% right, you will get a certification on your email (by the end of June).
  3. Any questions? (eospina@ai.aiesec.org or +51992139138 on telegram or whatsapp)

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introduction and first steps
Which of the following was NOT one of the implemented changes from GV refreshment in the last generations? *
5 points
In order to properly develop the operation, the main thing to understand about your market is...
5 points
Choose the step that would better support you to achieve your responsibilities and conversions as MCVP GV.
5 points
Which of the following SnD focus would be valid in case of having a good amount of customers interested, but the potential partner does not have enough opens or applicants?
5 points
What are the factors that support and boost network performance?
5 points
What is NOT a good practice during Sales?
5 points
For a healthy synergy management...
5 points
To improve the co-delivery of the expected leadership experiences, you can take the following steps BESIDES...
5 points
What is the correct to affirm about the Exchange Standards alignment and understanding?
5 points
Choose the option that states a deliverable that is NOT from both Home Entity and Host Entity towards the customer experience
5 points
Why does GV need to be sustainable and profitable?
5 points
How to ensure a sustainable and profitable GV operation?
5 points
What is NOT correct about partnerships for Corporate Social Responsibility?
5 points
How do we measure our impact?
5 points
To measure our impact, we have a toolkit that contains all of the following items with the EXCEPTION of...
5 points
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