Survey Eole and the paper ball Beta v1.3.1
Hello, if you arrived on this form is that you've played the game Eole and paper ball. Otherwise download Eole Lite

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What is your name or pseudo *
How old are you? *
What is your smartphone? *
Android Version? *
What do you think about game icon *
How many level have you completed? *
What do you think about graphics sets of the first world? *
What do you think about graphics sets of menu? *
What do you think about graphics sets of the second world? *
If you dislike graphics, can you explain why?
The menu navigation is? *
The handling of the game is? *
Fluidity? *
How would you play? *
even if you felt any negative objectivity
Do you want to play again, and even to have more levels? *
The difficulty is? *
did you understand at once how to jump? *
did you understand quickly how slow? *
The symbols on the stones are *
The use of boost is? *
What to do to win normal mode level? *
victory condition
What to do to win survival mode level? *
victory condition
What game mode do you prefer? *
what are the flags? *
what are the pieces? *
How to unlock survival mode *
Is usefull to know your rank *
The rank determines the level of difficulty
Do you found how to skip level if too difficult for you? *
Music is? *
Sound fx are? *
What you will improve in the game?
Android market description? *
The name of the game should be? *
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