POS Reseller
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Since March of 1988, Electronic Merchant Systems (EMS) has grown to become a leader in providing merchant services and payment processing solutions to the business owners in the greater Cleveland area.

Restaurant Manager POS Reseller
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There are many leasing companies that will provide funding based on a 12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 month term with just the first payment in advance. As the term increases so do the credit requirements. For a new restaurant most leasing companies require a personal guarantee from a corporate officer with a strong credit rating. Leasing companies are not interested in recovering the collateral, they want their payments, so good credit is a must. Most POS system leasing is handled by an independent leasing company, not by the company providing your POS system.

Bank financing is an option, but usually requires great credit, a sizable down payment and the loan term will probably not be as long as with a lease. Recently it has become very difficult for small businesses to obtain bank financing, but if available it will be less expensive than leasing.

Credit card providers offer a couple of alternatives. Some have programs with their resellers that let the restaurant make fixed weekly payments from their credit card deposits. Check with your POS reseller, as this is not a very popular option since the reseller is paid as the restaurant pays. The credit card processor is not advancing any payments to the POS reseller.

An other option is a cash advance which is usually calculated with a six month pay back. Cash advances are based on your Master Card and Visa deposits with a percentage of the daily deposit used to pay down the cash advance. Since these transactions are an advance and not a loan they are relatively easy to obtain. There is no collateral in these transactions and the premium charged is extremely high. Most cash advance companies will require a personal guarantee and the restaurant will be required to process all credit card transactions with the cash advance company.

I've also seen Guest Rewards Programs used for help in financing your point of sale system. The rewards company advances the restaurant cash for discounted future purchases by their members. This can be a good program if the members they attract are new customers to your restaurant.

Last but not least is the Free POS offered by some credit card providers. Most of these programs are not free but can be obtained without any upfront money. There are usually service and support fees that are charged monthly or quarterly or in some cases both monthly and quarterly. These programs are usually for a fixed term with 60 months being a very popular term. Since you are forced to process your credit cards with one processor the big question is, what my credit card processing fees will be in the future. As we all know, POS systems are not free!
How To Become A POS Reseller
How To Become A POS Reseller
Local POS Reseller Program
Last but not least is the "Free POS" offered by some credit card providers. Most of these programs are not free but can be obtained without any upfront money. There are usually service and support fees that are charged monthly or quarterly or in some cases both monthly and quarterly. These programs are usually for a fixed term with 60 months being a very popular term. Since you are forced to process your credit cards with one processor the big question is, what my credit card processing fees will be in the future. As we all know, POS systems are not free!
Value Added Reseller Merchant Services POS System
If you are a merchant, you have probably come across the term POS before. What is POS, and how does it help your business?

POS stands for Point of Sale. This is the system that your business uses to take money from your customer and provide them with a receipt. Almost all POS systems are computerized for accuracy and convenience.

Essential Parts of a POS System

If you are in the market for a new POS system, you need to know what the basic parts are. Keep in mind that you can buy your POS system as a bundle, with software included, or you can put together your own system by buying the parts separately.

POS Computer - The computer is the most important part of the system. Some POS computers are like PCs that run POS software that you load onto them. Others come with a software program and do not operate like a regular computer.

Cash Drawer - The cash drawer is where you will keep any money, checks, or credit card receipts that you receive. It is connected to the POS computer and will only open when the computer sends it the proper signal. This helps protect you from theft.

POS Monitor - The monitor allows you to see what you are inputting into the POS computer. Many POS monitors are touch-screen enabled, which allows them to be the input device, eliminating the need for a keyboard.

Scanner - The scanner allows you to scan the barcode on the merchandise you are selling. Some scanners are hand held, while others are imbedded into the POS device. The scanner is technically an optional item, since UPC codes can be entered by hand, but using a POS system efficiently without one is almost impossible.

Receipt Printer - The receipt printer is connected to the POS system to allow you to quickly print off a receipt for your customer. In many systems the receipt printer also prints the receipt that the customer signs when paying via credit card.

Optional POS Components

There are other components of a POS system that you may or may not need. If you do need them, they may not seem optional to you, but these are the items that some merchants can do without and still run an efficient store.

Credit Card Terminal/Signature Capture Device - If you intend to take credit cards, you will need a way to read them. Your POS system may have a built in credit card reading option, but if it does not you will need a credit card terminal. You will also need a pin pad to allow your customer to input PIN numbers and sometimes an electronic signature.

Keyboard and Mouse - If you do not have a touch screen on your system, you will need a keyboard and possibly a mouse to input information into your system. These can be specific for your type of store or a traditional PC keyboard.

Customer Pole Display - Customers like to see that their order is being rung up correctly. If they are not going to be able to see the monitor in your setup, consider investing in a customer pole display that shows them a summary of what is being imputed into the system. You may not need this if your pin pad shows a summary of what is being done with the order.

These are the basic components of a POS system, not including the software. As you build your new store, consider which of these parts will be the most helpful. Build a POS system that will be convenient, easy to understand, and efficient. This will ensure that you can complete as many transactions as possible each day.
POS Reseller Programs In My Area
POS Reseller Programs In My Area
POS Software Reseller Program
If you are in the market for a new POS system, you need to know what the basic parts are. Keep in mind that you can buy your POS system as a bundle, with software included, or you can put together your own system by buying the parts separately.
Best POS System Reseller Near Me
Best POS System Reseller Near Me
POS System Reseller
Independent retailers have traditionally been technology laggards. This slow adoption of new technology has provided hidden benefits though. Economies of scale are achieved at larger retail stores and the new technologies become available to independent retailers at much lower costs. Today, independent retailers have access to point-of-sale systems with features comparable to large competitors. The costs of these systems are often hundreds of times less than the investment made by the large retail chains.

Measured by dollars, the technology investment made by an independent retailer is considerably less than their larger counterparts. But if you measure the investment against annual revenues (i.e. percent of revenue), the comparison becomes similar. Once understood, independent retailers should approach their technology investment like the large retail chains. Unlike other purchases a retailer will make, the technology decision is one the retailer will live with for many years. The amount of time required to implement a system and become productive in its use will be the largest costs associated with any system. Economists refer to these types of costs as sunk costs. Sunk costs are those costs that are incurred and cannot be recovered to any significant degree.

If a retailer avoids the ten most common mistakes when selecting a point-of-sale system, they can avoid duplicating their efforts and control these costs. Avoiding these ten mistakes will help insure that the right system is selected the first time.

1. Not Understanding Your Needs

If a retailer isn't automated or is operating an out-of-date system, they may have developed inefficient procedures. Every process in the business (e.g. purchasing, receiving, transfers, etc.) should be noted and worked through in the point-of-sale software during the demonstration phase. The provider of the software can then demonstrate the automation of each process within the proposed solution. The provider should also have extensive industry knowledge and be able to make recommendations on how related retailers have automated similar processes.

2. Not Obtaining Product References

Do not move forward with a purchase until you have obtained a minimum of three references and contacted those references. Requesting local references also gives you the ability to visit the retail store and see the point-of-sale product in action. When talking with references also make sure that they are using the version of the software you are evaluating. Ask them if they like the product, how the implementation went, and how they rate the on-going support. These references can also be used to create your own support group if you move forward with the purchase.

3. Neglecting Due Diligence

What do you know about the company providing your new point-of-sale system? There are many companies that will sell you a system but very few that are exclusively in the point-of-sale business. Companies that are in the business have been dedicated to the market for decades and have vast amounts of knowledge and expertise. Once you make a decision on a system purchase, you are married to the company providing you with the system. Do your due diligence homework and find out the following:

- How long has the company been in business?You want to insure that the company will be around as long as you have their system. Most businesses fail within the first five years.

- How large is the company measured by employee count and revenue?A financially strong company will have sufficient revenue and resources to support you for the life of the system. Larger companies with more employees often offer superior support services, training, installation, and faster feature development.

- How strong is the company and is it publicly traded?Public companies offer the safety of full disclosure and access to the capital markets. Audited financial statements will provide you with information regarding the company's strength. Records for public companies can be obtained through any financial website such as Yahoo Finance, eTrade, Fidelity and so on.

Software development and support is labor and capital intensive. By choosing a strong company, you are insuring that the software you choose will be updated with new features for many years.

4. Insufficient Training

Maybe it is human nature, but all retailers try to save money in this area. But, just like a college degree, you will earn many times more than the training costs with better use of the system. Many retailers have purchased great point-of-sale systems only to use them as glorified cash registers because of a lack of training. Your training plan should resemble the following:

- Pre-installation - 1 day of classroom training as an overview of the system

- Installation - 1-5 days depending upon the size of the store and number of employees. This training normally takes place at the store location. Point-of-sale training for employees normally only requires an hour or two. Back office management functions such as purchasing, receiving, barcodes, inventory management, reporting, ecommerce, etc. will take up the remaining time. Make sure you don't overwhelm yourself at this point with too much information. Learn what you need to run your business day to day. More training should be available in the future.

- 1 Month Post-Installation - The retailer has had some time with the system and will need to generate month end reports. This is also a good time to train on questions that have come up since the initial training. Post-Installation training is often accomplished through a phone call and remote access to the retailers system.

- 3-6 Month Post-Installation - The retailer knows their way around the software, has established procedures, and the retail store is fully automated. At this time the retailer may want to learn the advanced features of the software to give them a strategic advantage. This could include advanced reporting, open-to-buy planning, eCommerce integration, customer marketing and so on.

5. Buying on Price

We are bombarded everyday with offers for low priced hardware and software. Advertisements from major computer manufacturers display unbelievable prices. Resist the temptation of trying to save yourself a few dollars with cheap hardware. It will end up costing you more when it doesn't work. The low priced computers and printers advertised are cheap for a reason. They are consumer level products that aren't manufactured to take the daily twelve hour beating most retail environments will impose on them. You can verify this by checking the duty cycles on consumer level hardware versus business class machines.

Low priced hardware is difficult for anyone to support because the internal components of the computer changes on a frequent basis. What is inside a cheap computer is based upon the lowest bidder at the time of bid. As an example, you may order a model M30 computer today and your point-of-sale software and peripherals run fine on it. You then order ten of the model M30 and find that the software only runs on some of them. The others have different components inside that conflict with the software. You've just saved yourself a few dollars on hardware but now get to pay an unlimited hourly rate for the point-of-sale company to figure out the problem.

Point-of-sale companies know what they know, but they don't know what they don't know. With cheap hardware, they can never possibly know so you will only cost yourself more money in the long run by not following their recommendation.

6. Purchasing One Size Fits All System

There is not a single point-of-sale system that is a perfect fit for every type of retailer. The retail industry has several different vertical markets that all have unique needs. As an example, pharmacies require a pos system that integrates with their prescription dispensing software and support IRS IIAS legislation for FSA (flexible spending account) credit cards. A bike shop requires serial number tracking and work order management for mechanics. A clothing store needs size and color matrixes to support the large number of SKUs for a single pair of jeans. The list goes on and on.

Find a point-of-sale system specific to your market. The unique features they offer will automate the distinct needs of your market. The industry specific automation will provide you with a better ROI (return on investment) compared with choosing generic point-of-sale software.

7. Customizing For Planned Obsolescence

Point-of-sale systems for independent retailers have been around for almost three decades now. The feature lists are extensive because millions of retailers have helped software developers create features specific to the industry. 95% or more of the features you will require will be offered in a single package. If not, avoid the temptation to customize the software. Customizing any software freezes you into the version you purchase and precludes you from moving forward with future releases. There are still many stores today that operate DOS based point-of-sale systems because of this oversight. Don't be one of them.

8. Following The Garbage In, Garbage Out Cliché

A great point-of-sale system can be turned into a mediocre system if data input and standards aren't maintained. Today's software has the capability to turn raw data into meaningful information. The best example of this is the department/class/subclass structure. Every retail store has departments, larger ones also have related classes, and even larger ones have related subclasses. Categorizing your inventory this way allows you to quickly spot sales and inventory trends on the reports produced by the system.

Use the 10/10 rule. You should have no more than 10 departments and each of those departments should have no more than 10 classes. If you think about it, even the largest department stores merchandise within the rule.

9. Neglecting Disaster Recovery

The most neglected rule of all. But when it happens, people tend to become diligent about it. With the technology today, there is no reason to ignore this any longer. Backing up a system no longer requires slow tape drives, archaic software, and confusing rotation procedures. Today, backups can be performed with the use of portable hard drives or internet based online backup services.

Most retailers think of disaster recovery only in the case of a computer crash. But over the years I've seen retailers rely on them for fires, floods, and computer theft. As long as you have a good backup and insurance policy, a disaster does not have to be catastrophic.

10. Choosing The Wrong Partner

The point-of-sale space has always been very competitive but only a few key players have sustained in the marketplace. Every year many companies enter the market and leave just as quickly. Retailers are then stuck without support and eventually have to choose a new system from a reputable company. To guard yourself against this, make sure to partner with a strong company dedicated to the retail industry.
POS Reseller Program
POS Reseller Program
Becoming A Reseller For Electronic Merchant Systems
If you are a merchant, you have probably come across the term POS before. What is POS, and how does it help your business?

POS stands for Point of Sale. This is the system that your business uses to take money from your customer and provide them with a receipt. Almost all POS systems are computerized for accuracy and convenience.

Essential Parts of a POS System

If you are in the market for a new POS system, you need to know what the basic parts are. Keep in mind that you can buy your POS system as a bundle, with software included, or you can put together your own system by buying the parts separately.

POS Computer - The computer is the most important part of the system. Some POS computers are like PCs that run POS software that you load onto them. Others come with a software program and do not operate like a regular computer.

Cash Drawer - The cash drawer is where you will keep any money, checks, or credit card receipts that you receive. It is connected to the POS computer and will only open when the computer sends it the proper signal. This helps protect you from theft.

POS Monitor - The monitor allows you to see what you are inputting into the POS computer. Many POS monitors are touch-screen enabled, which allows them to be the input device, eliminating the need for a keyboard.

Scanner - The scanner allows you to scan the barcode on the merchandise you are selling. Some scanners are hand held, while others are imbedded into the POS device. The scanner is technically an optional item, since UPC codes can be entered by hand, but using a POS system efficiently without one is almost impossible.

Receipt Printer - The receipt printer is connected to the POS system to allow you to quickly print off a receipt for your customer. In many systems the receipt printer also prints the receipt that the customer signs when paying via credit card.

Optional POS Components

There are other components of a POS system that you may or may not need. If you do need them, they may not seem optional to you, but these are the items that some merchants can do without and still run an efficient store.

Credit Card Terminal/Signature Capture Device - If you intend to take credit cards, you will need a way to read them. Your POS system may have a built in credit card reading option, but if it does not you will need a credit card terminal. You will also need a pin pad to allow your customer to input PIN numbers and sometimes an electronic signature.

Keyboard and Mouse - If you do not have a touch screen on your system, you will need a keyboard and possibly a mouse to input information into your system. These can be specific for your type of store or a traditional PC keyboard.

Customer Pole Display - Customers like to see that their order is being rung up correctly. If they are not going to be able to see the monitor in your setup, consider investing in a customer pole display that shows them a summary of what is being imputed into the system. You may not need this if your pin pad shows a summary of what is being done with the order.

These are the basic components of a POS system, not including the software. As you build your new store, consider which of these parts will be the most helpful. Build a POS system that will be convenient, easy to understand, and efficient. This will ensure that you can complete as many transactions as possible each day.
Restaurant Manager POS Reseller
Customer Pole Display - Customers like to see that their order is being rung up correctly. If they are not going to be able to see the monitor in your setup, consider investing in a customer pole display that shows them a summary of what is being imputed into the system. You may not need this if your pin pad shows a summary of what is being done with the order.
Become A Reseller Ems
Become A Reseller Ems
Value Added Reseller Merchant Services POS System
The Requirements of POS Software

There are a certain set of rules that computers basically follow when they communicate with other computers and those rules are predefined in nature. Universally, these rules are known as protocols. With the help of these protocols, terminals of POS communicate with various other devices. All the programs of POS software are strongly supported by protocols. This enables them to interact and communicate with a very expansive variety of devices that include a POS printer, a debit/credit reader and a bar-code scanner. There are multiple protocols of POS command. Some of them are DSP-800, EPSON Esc/POS, ADM 787/788 and CD 5220.

Advantages of High Quality Software

POS Software that are excellent in quality are very advantageous. They are highly efficient and can aid you in increasing your profit levels substantially. With their help, you can also reduce inventory costs and improve customer service considerably. Moreover, you will be able to save on a lot of time with the assistance of POS software since they have the ability to completely automate the tasks that are repetitive in nature.

Choosing the right POS software

You will find multiple products available in the market that are affiliated to the software of POS. In terms of providing high quality products related to POS, there is intense competition among various service providers. This might make it challenging for you to choose the appropriate POS software for your business enterprise.

There are some factors that you must bear in mind while selecting POS software. First and foremost, you must consider the industry you operate in. Secondly, you must take consideration of the overall revenue generation of your company.

Furthermore, you must ensure to check that the software is stable and bug free before your purchase it. You can get this confirmed by any retailer who is using them. There are many software that are compatible with various operating systems such as Macintosh, Linux and Microsoft. Of these, it has been observed that the options available with the POS system of Windows is the best rated.

Facts and figures of POS System and Software

There are more than 300 POS systems available in the market today. Over the last decade, the accounting industry of software has consolidated and developed very rapidly. You can expect a similar consolidation in the industry of POS. You must know the details and preparation required to find the most suitable software for your enterprise.

Factors to Consider while selecting POS Software

1. Give importance to the company/vendor that is selling or providing POS software. For this, you must consider some basic criteria while analyzing any POS vendor. They can be mentioned as follows:

* Number of users* Financial stability* References* Years in business* Reputation in the industry

2. Consider your growth plans for the future. This is very essential. In this context, some areas that deserve consideration include preparations for E-commerce, programs of customer loyalty, multi-store requirements, integration to applications of business that are you are currently running or those that you are planning to run somewhere in the near future and CRM needs.

3. The packages of POS software can vary significantly in terms of capacity, so you must make some assessment of your individual situation and requirements before making a decision of selection. For instance, the management capabilities of inventory that will be ideal for a multi-store chain will be excess for a single boutique store. Moreover, the attention and feeding it would need might never be worth the extra effort.

Free POS Software

Due to growing demand in the application of POS system, its software products are also attaining a steady base of customers on a worldwide basis. If you feel that you cannot afford to invest too much money on POS software products, then you can consider obtaining those ones that are available at no cost. With free POS software, you will be able to save hundreds to even thousands of dollars since you will not require purchasing expensive new software systems.

To avail free POS software, you will need a personal computer that is linked or based on a cash drawer/register system. It is not even necessary for the equipment to be new. Most of the free programs of POS software will be able to track sales by cashier and item and can be used with the help of scanners as well.
POS Reseller Programs In My Area
POS Reseller Programs In My Area
Local POS Reseller Program
· Maximized Revenue: Since high performance POS systems improve staff efficiency, restaurant management tasks, and customer service this helps to significantly increase profits while keeping costs at a minimum.
Become POS Reseller
The Requirements of POS Software

There are a certain set of rules that computers basically follow when they communicate with other computers and those rules are predefined in nature. Universally, these rules are known as protocols. With the help of these protocols, terminals of POS communicate with various other devices. All the programs of POS software are strongly supported by protocols. This enables them to interact and communicate with a very expansive variety of devices that include a POS printer, a debit/credit reader and a bar-code scanner. There are multiple protocols of POS command. Some of them are DSP-800, EPSON Esc/POS, ADM 787/788 and CD 5220.

Advantages of High Quality Software

POS Software that are excellent in quality are very advantageous. They are highly efficient and can aid you in increasing your profit levels substantially. With their help, you can also reduce inventory costs and improve customer service considerably. Moreover, you will be able to save on a lot of time with the assistance of POS software since they have the ability to completely automate the tasks that are repetitive in nature.

Choosing the right POS software

You will find multiple products available in the market that are affiliated to the software of POS. In terms of providing high quality products related to POS, there is intense competition among various service providers. This might make it challenging for you to choose the appropriate POS software for your business enterprise.

There are some factors that you must bear in mind while selecting POS software. First and foremost, you must consider the industry you operate in. Secondly, you must take consideration of the overall revenue generation of your company.

Furthermore, you must ensure to check that the software is stable and bug free before your purchase it. You can get this confirmed by any retailer who is using them. There are many software that are compatible with various operating systems such as Macintosh, Linux and Microsoft. Of these, it has been observed that the options available with the POS system of Windows is the best rated.

Facts and figures of POS System and Software

There are more than 300 POS systems available in the market today. Over the last decade, the accounting industry of software has consolidated and developed very rapidly. You can expect a similar consolidation in the industry of POS. You must know the details and preparation required to find the most suitable software for your enterprise.

Factors to Consider while selecting POS Software

1. Give importance to the company/vendor that is selling or providing POS software. For this, you must consider some basic criteria while analyzing any POS vendor. They can be mentioned as follows:

* Number of users* Financial stability* References* Years in business* Reputation in the industry

2. Consider your growth plans for the future. This is very essential. In this context, some areas that deserve consideration include preparations for E-commerce, programs of customer loyalty, multi-store requirements, integration to applications of business that are you are currently running or those that you are planning to run somewhere in the near future and CRM needs.

3. The packages of POS software can vary significantly in terms of capacity, so you must make some assessment of your individual situation and requirements before making a decision of selection. For instance, the management capabilities of inventory that will be ideal for a multi-store chain will be excess for a single boutique store. Moreover, the attention and feeding it would need might never be worth the extra effort.

Free POS Software

Due to growing demand in the application of POS system, its software products are also attaining a steady base of customers on a worldwide basis. If you feel that you cannot afford to invest too much money on POS software products, then you can consider obtaining those ones that are available at no cost. With free POS software, you will be able to save hundreds to even thousands of dollars since you will not require purchasing expensive new software systems.

To avail free POS software, you will need a personal computer that is linked or based on a cash drawer/register system. It is not even necessary for the equipment to be new. Most of the free programs of POS software will be able to track sales by cashier and item and can be used with the help of scanners as well.
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