Lunch Count - FPE
Lunch choices on the Menu are ordered 1-5 from top to bottom. Please fill out your order accordingly.
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Teacher Name *
Lunch choices on the Menu are ordered 1-5 from top to bottom. Please fill out your order accordingly.
Lunch Time *
Please enter the time that your children will be in eating in the Cafeteria.
Lunch Choice 1 *
How many students will be ordering Lunch Choice 1 today?
Lunch Choice 2 *
How many students will be ordering Lunch Choice 2 today?
Lunch Choice 3 *
How many students will be ordering Lunch Choice 3 today?
Peanut Butter & Jelly *
How many students will be ordering PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY
Cereal Yogurt & Cheese Stick *
How many students will be ordering Cereal Yogurt & Cheese Stick
Teacher Meal *
How many teacher meals will you be ordering today?
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