Episode 1: From the Gold Rush to Green Rush, History and Intro to Restoration Series with NAS March 8th
Episode 2: Dams and Dam Removal with NAS, March 15th
Episode 3: Klamath Dam Removal Restoration with INRSEP+ Poly Humboldt, March 22nd
Episode 4: Coastal Redwood Watershed Scale Restoration: Prairie Creek with INRSEP+ Poly Humboldt, March 29
Episode 5: Restoring Central Valley Watersheds with INRSEP+ Poly Humboldt, April 5th
Episode 6: Mattole Restoration INRSEP+ Poly Humboldt
Episode 7: Central Valley Floodplain Restoration with NAS
Episode 8 Basins of Beaver Relations: Creating a Culture of Stewardship
If you wish to register for this series, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions, please email us at info@californiasalmon.org.