SFBA Summer Hoops Academy 2021 Enrollment Form
SFBA is gearing up for our 10th Summer Hoops Academy for 2021. This summer basketball camp will feature 8 one week sessions that go Monday - Friday from 8am-4pm.

Eligible Students
Ages 9 - 15
3rd Grade - 9th Grade

Students will work on various fundamental skills

Ball Handling
Functional Strength Training

473 Eucalyptus Dr, San Francisco, CA 94132

There are NO REFUNDS in the event we are required to change our location to a local facility due to a scheduling conflict with the Park and Rec Dept or the school district.

Time: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Session 1 June 14th - 18th

Session 2 June 21st - 25th

Session 3 June 28th - July 2nd

Session 4 July 5th - July 9th

Session 5 July 12th - July 16th

Session 6 July 19th - July 23rd

Session 7 July 26th - July 30th

Session 8 August 2nd - August 6th

Camp Rate: $400/Session (Each session is One week/5 Days)

Please review the following skill levels and check the box in the enrollment form that you believe your student to fit the most.
L1 Introductory Skills (Students just learning the game)
L2 Foundational Skills (Students with minimal experience)
L3 Advanced Skills (Students with experience at a high competitive level)
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How many sessions are you signing up for *
Select the Sessions you are registering for *
Please select the level you believe your student to currently stand in their basketball development *
Please refer to the rankings in the above description for each level.  Please be advised your players may be moved up or down depending on our coaches evaluation of your student during the camp.
Student's Last Name *
Students First Name *
Student's Middle Initial *
Students grade as into October 2019 *
School Student Currently Attends
Gender *
Does the student have any health concerns or previous injuries to be aware of? *
Parent / Guardian's  Last Name *
Parent Guardian's First Name *
Address *
(Street Number, Street, City, Zip)
Phone Number *
Email *
Will your Student be walking home after camp or getting picked up? *
If your student is getting picked up who are the designated adults allowed to sign them out after camp?
Please list the last and first names along with their phone numbers of each adult that has permission to sign out your student after program.
Participant Liability Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement
Please read this form carefully and be aware that by registering for and participating in this program(s) or by registering your minor child/ward for participation in this program(s), you will be waiving your rights and/or the rights of your minor child/ward to all claims for injuries you or your minor child/ward might sustain arising out of this program(s) and you will be required to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the SF Basketball Academy  for any claims arising out of participation in said program(s).
Risk of Injury *
“As a participant in the program, or as a parent or legal guardian of a participant under 18 years of age, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury, and I agree to assume the full risk of injuries, including death, damages, or loss which I may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities associated with this program.”
Waiver of Injury Claims *
“I agree to waive and relinquish any and all claims I may have arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of the program.”
Release from Liability *
“I do hereby fully release and discharge SF Basketball Academy and its officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, damage or loss which I or my minor child/ward may have or which may occur on account of participation in the program.”
Indemnity and Defense *
“I further agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend SF Basketball Academy and its officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, damages and losses sustained by me or my minor child/ward and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of the program.” In the event of any emergency, I authorize SF Basketball Academy to secure from any licensed hospital, physician, and/or medical personnel any treatment deemed reasonable and necessary for my minor child’s immediate care and agree that I will be responsible for payment of any and all medical services rendered.
Release of video/photos *
I agree to allow any pictures or video taken of my student during the SF Basketball Academy Programs to be used for SFBA social media, videos, and other promotional materials affiliated with SF Basketball Academy.
Upon completion of this form please complete your registration fee by clicking on the link below.  Enrollment is not complete until both this form and payment are received. Filling out this form without submitting your payment will not hold your child's spot in our camp.
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