Fruit Donation Registration
Register your own tree, or a neighbor's, or a tree on public or city property.  We will contact the tree owner and organize volunteers from the neighborhood to pick and deliver the fruit to a local food bank.  The volunteers will leave the yard tidy and neat.  (The information you share in this form is confidential and is used for coordinating harvests only).

Please use this form to map wild edibles as well, such as elderberry, serviceberry, linden trees - - !
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Name *
Address of the tree (include zip please) *
Email Address (if you have one)
Phone Number *
What kind of fruit/nut? *
Example: apple, pear, cherry, peach, plum, hazelnut
Where is the tree? *
Did you spray the tree?  If yes, when was the last time? (Natural products like clay and oil are OK; no chemicals) *
How tall is the tree? Do you have a ladder? (If so, how tall is the ladder? What type of ladder is it?) *
Tree health: Is it infested? (If so, with what?) Did you eat the fruit last year? *
Fruit ripeness and quantity: When will it be ripe? When was it ripe last year? How much fruit does it produce? Is it ripe now? How dense does it look? How many grocery bags do you estimate? *
Please answer as many as you can. (:  Thank you!
Accessibility. (Flat or hilly ground?  Locked gate?  Dog?  Any other barriers to picking?) *
Are you able to help us pick the fruit? *
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