Sign the Honour Code.
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As a student in this class, I pledge to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical conduct. I understand that this class is a learning community that values collaboration, diversity, and excellence.

I agree to:
(1) Be respectful to others, regardless of their backgrounds, opinions, or abilities.
(2) Use polite and appropriate language on the forum and in all communications with my classmates and instructors.
(3) Do my own work on all assignments and exams, and acknowledge the sources of any information or ideas that are not my own.
(4) Not cheat, copy, or falsify any part of my academic work, or help others do so.
(5) Not use unauthorized materials or devices during exams or quizzes, or share exam questions or answers with others.
(6) Seek help from my instructors or peers when I encounter difficulties or challenges in my learning.
(7) Report any violations of this honour code to my instructors or the appropriate authorities.
(8) Commit myself to learning and growing as a student and as a person.
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