Podcast Submission Form
Parenting can feel isolating.  And sometimes we can feel hopeless that our situation won't change.  When we can share our experiences and learn and grow together, it helps us all see what is possible! Below is the submission for to be a guest on the ResponseABLE Parenting Podcast. In short, it will be like a mini coaching session where we work through a current challenge in real time. 
Thank you for your interest and for trusting me with your precious relationship! 
As always, sending much love and deep breaths your way!

*By being a part of the ResponseABLE Parenting Podcast, you give Becky Jennings & ResponseABLE Parenting the permission to post, share and use your audio and video for promotional purposes.
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Name *
Email *
Briefly tell me about you, your background, and your family. *
What is your biggest parenting challenge? *
What do you wish it was like instead? *
Why is now the time to overcome this challenge? *
What will happen if you don't? *
What will happen if you do? *
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