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Did you find hard working on the project?
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Did you find difficult to be motivated  to take part in the project? If yes, give a reason.
Which tasks did you find most motivating?
Did you find difficult to work on the platform?
Very difficult
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Value the organization of the project in general
Not so good
Very good
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Did you find the project tasks appropriate for your level?
Not much
Very much
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Do you believe we worked in a collaborative way?
Not much
Very much
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Do you think we got good results?
Not very good
Very good results
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Do you value the experience  positive for your learning methodology?
Not much
Very much
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Do you believe you learned about the concept of waste?
Not much
A lot
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Do you consider you learned about the use of new technologies?
Not much
A lot
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Do you think you improved your level in the foreign language?
Not much
A lot
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Value the whole projec in general
Not very good
Very good
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