Bouquet Preservation Inquiry
This is an inquiry and does not confirm your booking! If accepted all bookings include a non-refundable deposit to secure your date, this will be applied towards your final payment. The quoted price does not include sales tax, sales tax will be applied to your final order.
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Email *
What is your name? *
What is your wedding month? *
What is your wedding date? *
Will you be able to drop off/ pick up your florals in Westminster, CO (The fresher the florals are when dropped off, the better the results!)
Will you require shipping of your final order? (additional shipping costs will be applied)
What size frame are you interested in?
What frame color are you interested in
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What flowers will you have in your bouquet? (If you do not know yet that is fine. I do not take lilies! (toxic to animals))
Who is your florist?
Any additional questions or requests?
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