SMITE - Top 5 Play & Random Moments - Submission Form
Top 5 Plays, SMITE Random Moments and SMITE League submission form. If you have any questions you can send me a message on twitter. @Inukii  
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IGN : Your in Game Name *
Example : Inuki
Replay ID *
The Replay ID of the match. Check that the replay ID actually has a replay generated by typing, for example, /replay 10954396 .
Match Type *
Was it conquest, arena, domination, assault, Joust challenge?
Time Play Occurs *
Example : 23m50s   ( This indicates that the play occurs at 23 minutes and 50 seconds ) Example 2 : 9m03s ( This indicates that the play occurs at 9 minutes and 3 seconds in the game )
Youtube Recording
If you have a recording of the play for online viewing. Link it here! A replay ID is still required but this helps the play selection process. Skip if you don't have one
Friendly Gods *
Which friendly Gods were on your team? You don't need to list them all. Just the Gods that were featured.
Enemy Gods *
Which Enemy Gods were on your team? You don't need to list them all. Just the Gods that were featured.
Gold Difference
Press F4 in the replay client to see Gold/XP Difference. If you don't know. Skip
XP Difference?
Press F4 in the replay client to see Gold/XP Difference. If you don't know. Skip
Description of Play *
Write a summary of what was AWESOME about the play. ( Ideal 1-4 sentences )
A message for Inuki
Not mandatory but very welcome and some times creepy.
I might let you know if your play has been selected!
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