May 14 Emergency in Ontario: Rally and March for Climate, Communities and Nature - Volunteer / Marshall Signup
We need volunteers!  The May 14th Rally and March in Toronto is focused on the emergency for Climate, Communities and Nature in Ontario.  To make this event go smoothly, help is needed for setup, handing out materials, signing people up to be informed of future actions, handing out masks/hand sanitizer to ensure Covid Safety and a variety of other roles.

We also need people who can be marshals. Marshals help manage the arrival and departure of people and ensure the safety and wellbeing of participants while at the rally and when marching. Marshall training will be provided, and we will seek to team up less experienced marshals with those who've performed this role at previous actions. We will also have communications channels open during the event, and we will have up to the minute updates at our pre rally briefing and as information comes in during the day.

Call times for marshals and volunteers at Queen's Park south lawn:

Marshals: 12 noon at Queen's Park south lawn

Setup Volunteers: 8 am at Queen's Park south lawn
Rally Volunteers:   12 noon at Queen's Park south lawn
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