ECNC Senior Registration
Every player must fill in this form at the start of every season. This is to make sure we have the most up to date information about each player. Thank you for your cooperation.
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Personal Details
Name *
Date of Birth *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Address *
Line 1
Emergency Contact
Name *
Emergency Contact Number *
Membership Details
Full membership will run from Jan-Dec and includes Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons + any weeknight training. For those joining mid-year, there is an option to pay for individual seasons. Affiliate members will be associated with the club and allowed to join a team travelling to an away tournament.
Season Fee *
Which season fee are you registering for?
Preferred Playing Position *
Indicate where you prefer to play on court
Umpiring *
Would you like to participate in umpiring?
I agree that payment is due upon registration and will submit payment via cash, check, or PayPal *
Health & Allergy Information
Health & Allergy Information
Please provide any allergies, medical conditions, or medications that the club should be aware of.
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