National Philanthropy Day 2024 Volunteer Recognition Award Form

All AFP Northwest Ohio Chapter member organizations are invited to recognize a volunteer on National Philanthropy Day, November 13, 2024. 

Wish you could do more to thank a volunteer for their tireless donation of time and talent? Whether this effort is from a single person, a couple, or co-chairs of an event, you can thank them and make them feel special by submitting their name for the Volunteer Recognition portion of the National Philanthropy Day program*. Select a volunteer who has donated their time and/or has contributed financially to your organization.

*EVERY volunteer submitted will be introduced at the NPD luncheon, listed in the program, and receive a certificate of appreciation. We do ask that your organization register and cover the cost of lunch for your volunteer. 

Only one volunteer per organization will be recognized (a couple or a pair of co-chairs of a campaign/event are considered to be one volunteer).

Volunteer recognitions will only be accepted via this electronic form.

Questions about volunteer recognition or need help filling out the form? Send an email to

Deadline for submissions will be 5:00pm on Friday, October 18, 2024.

In order to submit a nomination, you MUST be a member of AFP Northwest Ohio. To become a member of AFP NWO, click here

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Nominator Information
Are you a member of AFP NWO? (You must be a member to submit a nomination) *
Nominator Name (First and Last) *
Nominator Organization Name *
Nominator Organization Address (Street Address, City, State, Zip) *
Nominator Phone Number *
Nominator Email *
Relationship to Nominee *
Nominee Information
Nominee Name (First and Last) *
Nominee Job Title *
Nominee Organization Name *
Nominee Organization Address (Street Address, City, State, Zip) *
Nominee Phone Number *
Nominee Email *
In 350 words or less, please describe how this volunteer has been instrumental to your organization.
Please confirm the following:
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