UT Invitational Volunteer Sign-Up
Volunteer work/grading will take place on Saturday, October 30th in-person on the UT campus.

Our annual Science Olympiad tournament hosts schools from all over Texas and beyond! Teams compete in more than 25 events covering the entire spectrum of STEM, from physics to ecology. Our tournament will be in-person and will span across almost the whole day, providing plenty of opportunities for volunteers to help!

Potential areas of help include:­­­
- Test proctoring: administer tests and ensure competitors are following rules
- Test grading: use a premade rubric to score tests
- Concession stand worker: tend to concession stand and handle transactions
- Build Event Aide: assist build event check-in, take measurements, take flight times
- Set up and tear down of tournament spaces: setting up and arranging tables, chairs, signage, etc.

After filling out this form, you will receive onboarding details and specific assigned times closer to the tournament. Contact atxscioly@gmail.com with any questions.

Thank you!
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Email *
Name *
Major *
Phone Number *
Do you have any particular STEM areas of interest/expertise?
Ex. earth sciences, health sciences, comp sci, etc. Feel free to be more more specific and say something like genetics or meteorology.
Do you have prior Science Olympiad experience? *
If you said yes to the previous question, which events do you have experience with?
Please select all the times you are available on Sunday, October 30th. The times you select will not represent the specific times you will be volunteering, this is just to provide us with a general idea of your availability. *
How did you hear about this opportunity? (i.e., which UT organization are you affiliated with?)
Is there anything else we should know?
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