EVSC Governor's Work Ethic Certificate                       (Senior Application 24-25)
EVSC Seniors,

Thank you for your interest in earning the Governor’s Work Ethic Certificate (GWEC). This is a great opportunity for all seniors regardless of your plan after graduation! The EVSC’s GWEC is based on ten areas of competency selected by the region’s largest employers, higher education representatives, and community leaders.  Students who earn the GWEC at the end of their senior year will graduate with the Governor's Work Ethic Certificate medallion and also be eligible for scholarship, prizes, guaranteed job interviews, future employment bonuses, and much more.

Below are the six transferable skills (PRIDES) that will require the signatures of school staff members stating you have displayed each of these skills as well as the academic components you will be required to meet in order to earn your Governor's Work Ethic Certificate.

Email *
Please read the following statement and then complete this form. *
Captionless Image
Primary Enrolled High School (where you will graduate from.): *
For those who also attend a high school program in EVSC, please select:
Last Name *
First Name *
Student ID Number: *
Student Cell Number with Area Code: (###)  ###-#### (If you do not have a phone, add a parent/guardian number.) *
Non-EVSC Student Email: *
Post-Graduation Plan (as of today, knowing it could change) *
As of today, what career path or job are you interestd in pursuing after graduation?  *
Signature (First Middle Last) *
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