Community Feedback to Support AMP1 Planning Phase
This survey is aimed to collect information to support our planning for our school's master plan and building process after the announcement of funding for upgrades and capital improvement to Western Heights College in the 2023/2024 state budget. The AMP phase 1 outlines the specific characteristics of the school, it's learning, teaching and curriculum models and the programs and organisational structures that will take the school into the future. The AMP phase 1 is developed by the school in collaboration with the school community. School community engagement is critical to the AMP process as this will ensure educational direction in regard to teaching and learning reflects local community’s aspirations.

Aligned with the school’s educational directions and informed by department policy, the school’s AMP phase 1 informs the master planning process and ensures current capital works projects, including the funding for our new gymnasium and longer-term asset management strategies can be achieved.

The audience for the completed AMP phase 1 is the school community, the VSBA and the project architect. Thank-you for your time to complete this short survey. It will support the process greatly.

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1. What do you like the most about Western Heights College? 

2.  Do you have any ideas for what the school should do more of or start doing?

3. How could the school focus on preparing students for life after school?

4. In what ways could Western Heights College become more involved with the community?

5.  Does the school do enough to celebrate all forms of diversity in our community?
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6. Think of places where you and others in your community come together: What are the features of these places which you think create a comfortable environment for everyone (a space that is inclusive and physically comfortable)?

6b: Which of these features be incorporated into the design of the school/school gymnasium?

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