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KPD (Korea Portfolio Day) 2023 신청페이지
📌미국명문미술대학교 입학담당자가 여러분의 그림🎨을 평가합니다!
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👉🏻미국 유학에 관심이 있다면
✅장소: 서울미술고등학교
✅일정: 10.21(토)-22(일)
✅참가비: 무료
✔중학생부터 참여가능
✔통역 제공
✔작품은 디지털화하여 준비
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* Indicates required question
참가 가능 회차 (중복 선택 가능)
1회차 (10/21 토)
2회차 (10/22 일)
참가자 이름
Your answer
참가자 영문 이름
Your answer
참가자 연락처
예) 010-1234-5678
Your answer
참가자 이메일
Your answer
소속 학교
예) OO대학교, OO고등학교
Your answer
Your answer
희망 전공
Your answer
리뷰 희망학교 (1지망)
Ringling College of Art and Design
College for Creative Studies
University of Nevada Las Vegas - College of Fine Arts
Otis College of Art and Deisgn
Maryland Institute College of Art
California College of the Arts
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Savannah College of Art and Design
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
Pacific Northwest College of Art (at Willamette University)
Thomas Jefferson University
School of Visual Art, New York
Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts
리뷰 희망학교 (2지망)
Ringling College of Art and Design
College for Creative Studies
University of Nevada Las Vegas - College of Fine Arts
Otis College of Art and Deisgn
Maryland Institute College of Art
California College of the Arts
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Savannah College of Art and Design
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
Pacific Northwest College of Art (at Willamette University)
Thomas Jefferson University
School of Visual Art, New York
Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts
리뷰 희망학교 (3지망)
Ringling College of Art and Design
College for Creative Studies
University of Nevada Las Vegas - College of Fine Arts
Otis College of Art and Deisgn
Maryland Institute College of Art
California College of the Arts
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Savannah College of Art and Design
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts
Pacific Northwest College of Art (at Willamette University)
Thomas Jefferson University
School of Visual Art, New York
Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts
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