Volunteer Interest Survey
CSP has accomplished much in the past 10 years thanks to the many volunteers.  We need volunteers like you to continue our mission of protecting the environment of Crawford County and neighboring regions from threats of polluting and extractive industries, to promote sustainable land use, environmental justice, and local control of natural resources.
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Email *
Name (first name, last name) *
Phone number and best time to call
Mailing Address
What are the best ways to contact you about volunteer opportunities? (check all that apply)
Mark activities which you are interested in helping with. Check all that apply. Or, if you feel you can offer support in area that isn't listed, please provide more detail under "other."
When are you able to volunteer? Please list any seasonality or preferences on day/time.
Please describe any skills, passions or strengths that you can contribute.
How do you prefer to work?
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What community, businesses or groups are you a part of?
Please describe any past volunteer or relevant employment experiences.
If you have any past volunteer experience, what did you enjoy the most? What did you enjoy the least?
Do you have any health or physical limitations that would restrict volunteering activities?
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