2024 Santa Monica 4th of July Parade Volunteer Sign up
We're so excited to welcome you back! Thank you for offering to volunteer at this incredible community parade. It can't be done without YOU!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Organization Name *
Contact Phone *
I am available to volunteer ... *
In what area did you volunteer previously? (check in, staging, safety)
Please include the year(s) if you remember!
Would you like to volunteer in the same area again?
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Are you planning on being a part of a float or walking group after you volunteer? *
This information is important for our setup volunteers and will determine your task!
Are you planning to wear festive attire? *
Are you a part of a larger volunteering organization or company? *
Bike volunteer? Any additional information?
If you are willing to be a volunteer on a bike (your OWN bike), please indicate so here!
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