NELIG Winter 2021-22 Lightning Talk Proposal
What instruction scenario chilled your heart and your instincts? Were you able to “let it go” or did you freeze? Have some advice for a path through the blizzard of emotions?

We want to know about situations where you skated on thin ice and remained upright, or landed with a bruised ego, but with words of wisdom.

Event: Thursday, January 27, 2021   12:00-1:15 pm (EST)
Proposal Due: Friday December 17, 2021    5 pm (EST)
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Please enter a short description of your proposed lightning talk (150-200 words or less): *
Thank you for submitting your proposal.  We will notify presenters by January 7, 2022. If there are any questions, please send an email to
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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