Tainan ShortFilmConference.org : 2015 April 12th - The Art of Short Film
In its fourth year the Tainan 39 Hour Short Film Contestival (tainan39.com), hosted by the Tainan City Culture Bureau, has evolved into a full-scale short film festival, taking place at the Wu-Yuan Culture Garden, a historic cultural heritage site in the center of Tainan, from April 11th – 19th 2015.
On its opening weekend (April 12th) the festival will hold a two-day international academic conference on the field of short film, titled: The Art of Short Film.
The Tainan Short Film Conference is intended as a platform for exchange on ongoing research on short films and as a basis for a better understanding of the art form as a whole.
The Tainan Short Film Conference 2015 is proud to announce the director of the International Short Film Festival Berlin (interfilm.de), Heinz Hermanns, as a key-note speaker.


Registration for The Tainan Short Film Conference,
April 12, 2015, WuYuan Culture Garden, Tainan
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