Peace Mud Bog Registration 

**Important Notes** 

Once your online registration is complete you can etransfer your fees to

When you arrive at Peace River AG Grounds come and check in at the registration trailer so we can arrange to tech your truck



Registration is closed at 11am Saturday morning so we have enough time to tech trucks and prepare races. 


**Please no there is ZERO tolerance for lack of respect for our volunteers or the grounds**

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IN CONSIDERATION of the Peace River Agricultural Society providing the aforementioned driver and/or pit crew, (the “competitor”) with the opportunity to compete
and/or participate in any way in the Peace Mud Bog & Fair held September 6 & 7, 2024 (the “Event”),
the competitor does hereby agree to the following
1. There are risks and hazards inherent in the very
nature of the Event and the Competitor may suffer
personal injury, loss or damage to property;
2. The Competitor freely and voluntarily assumes all
risk of personal injury, death or property loss resulting
from any cause whatsoever including, but not limited
to, the inherent risk of competing in the Event;
3. The Competitor hereby waives any claim that the
Competitor may have against the Peace River Agricultural Society, its agents, servants, employees, volunteers, members, directors and executive arising out of or in any way related to the Competitor’s participation in the Event and, but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing, the Competitor specifically releases the
Peace River Agricultural Society from any liability for injury or death to the Competitor or any loss or damage to the Competitor’s property, whether or not such injury,
death, loss or damage arises out of or is caused by the
negligence or breach of any contract by the Peace River
Agricultural Society.
IN CONSIDERATION of the Peace River Agricultural Society providing the aforementioned driver and/or pit crew, (the “competitor”) with the opportunity to compete
and/or participate in any way in the Peace Mud Bog & Fair held September 6 & 7, 2024 (the “Event”),
the competitor does hereby agree to the following
1. There are risks and hazards inherent in the very
nature of the Event and the Competitor may suffer
personal injury, loss or damage to property;
2. The Competitor freely and voluntarily assumes all
risk of personal injury, death or property loss resulting
from any cause whatsoever including, but not limited
to, the inherent risk of competing in the Event;
3. The Competitor hereby waives any claim that the
Competitor may have against the Peace River Agricultural Society, its agents, servants, employees, volunteers, members, directors and executive arising out of or in any way related to the Competitor’s participation in the Event and, but not so as to restrict the generality of the foregoing, the Competitor specifically releases the
Peace River Agricultural Society from any liability for injury or death to the Competitor or any loss or damage to the Competitor’s property, whether or not such injury,
death, loss or damage arises out of or is caused by the
negligence or breach of any contract by the Peace River
Agricultural Society.
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