Free Trial Coaching Session Sign Up Form
Event Timing: September 29, 14:00-17:00 CET
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Join 1-1 trial 20-min coaching sessions with three coaches from Život Jako Hra Coaching Agency and Academy!

Mgr. Blanka Trávníčková
Blanka is a member of a professional team of coaches and she helps people to discover their full potential. Assisting clients to detect their strengths as well as weaknesses has a tremendous impact on their lives, development, success. She is supportive and accompanies you on your life changing path.

Kristina Škrabalová
"I´m an explorer, a freedom fighter, a word traveler and an agent provocateur. I am an ex-lawyer who wanted from life more than just sitting in the office and following instructions. I walked the path of inner freedom and personal growth in order to be able to inspire and motivate. First and foremost I´m a life coach who helps her clients to reach higher."

Šimon Müller
"I'm professional coach for 2,5 years. I have experience with international environment and I like to lift people's life up."

Program of the seminar:

Sign up for the expert presentations: 

Join also the CV Consulting session with Grafton recruiters. Learn how to tweak your CV so it will help you to land your dream job. Register here:
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