Across Generations Member Registration Form
Across Generations is a brand new volunteer initiative, with the goal of providing a pillar of individualized emotional support for people living in retirement homes through monthly social activities and letters with student pen pals. With a global pandemic, this sort of support is more important than ever. Every member will be matched with a senior in a local retirement home and exchange at least one (1) letter per month. Soon, monthly social activities with your pen pal will be offered, of which you will be required to do at least one (1) per year.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Address (the one you will be at the most this year) - Please include your postal code *
School Name *
What is the best way to contact you? *
Which pen pal program branch are you interested in volunteering for? 
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Preferred Social Media and Information (e.g. Instagram, username: @bob123)
Would you be able to commit to writing one letter at least once a month? *
Would you be able to write and receive letters through physical mail/email/either? *
Would you be able to participate in at least 1 casual letter-writing social event throughout the year? *
Any questions or comments?
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