Second edition Gaming Day OPR

Let's start 2022 the right way!

Sing up for an afternoon of battles in the dark world of "Grim Dark Future"

Everyone can participate, veterans and newbies.

LOCATION: Battelfield Berlin,  Gneisenaustraße 43, 10961 Berlin

DATE: 29TH of January 2022

TIME: 13 to 17:30.

There are 10 Slots available, first come first serve.
Based on the participation, gaming time may change (hopefully extended)

We will gather there and determine the pairings randomly.

Please check and follow local recommendations as well as Battlefield's website.
Currently, BfB requires 2G AND a negative test from the same day.

Rulebook edition 2.15

Lists for GDF must be made with the Army Forge Beta: 

- Factions allowed: All Grim dark Future and all Age of Fantasy
- 2000 points
- Max 3 same units
- Max 3 heroes
- Points will be counted per battle round NOT ad the end of the game.
- A mixed army can be used (2 different races), however, Mixed armies must consist of at least 60% worth of units from their primary army, and heroes from either army list may only join other units from their own army list.
- Merging Units: When putting together their armies players may not merge two units made up of single models into one.
- Composition: Players may only bring up to 1 hero per full 500pts in their force list, and no more than 3 copies of the same unit (if players merge two units into one, it counts as one copy of the same unit). Players must configure their lists so that they only have a max. of 1 unit in play per full 200pts in their list.
- Heroes: Each unit may only be joined by up to 1 hero, and heroes may not join units made up of a single model.
- Psychics: Only up to 1 psychic model per full 500pts from each army may cast or block spells per game round.
- Stacking Modifiers: Modifiers from the same special rule or spell don’t stack, whilst modifiers from different special rules or spells do stack.
- Splitting Fire: Units can’t target more than 2 enemy units when shooting with multiple weapon types.
- Transports: Only models with Tough(3) or less may be embarked, where models with Tough(3) take up 2 cargo spaces each unless they have the hero rule.
- Bring your tokens or something to mark a unit that was activated etc (if possible).

No need to send the list, this is not a tournament but a gaming day.

NOTE: if for any reason you won't make it, please let us know as soon as possible, you can write us an email: or send us a message in discord: Kaporc#7442 and or Reklawyks#0334

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