Tiger Tribute Nomination
The Tiger Tribute program is a way for you to salute any Malakoff ISD employee who goes above and beyond what is expected. Whether you're a parent impressed with that special touch your child's teacher added to a moment, or you're a coworker who thinks the campus PEIMS clerk doesn't hear often enough about the great job she is doing - you can send a Tiger Tribute! Anyone can nominate any Malakoff ISD employee.

·Supervisors, including the superintendent, will see your Tiger Tribute.
·The employee will get a thank you card and a nominal token of appreciation that lets everyone know he or she was given a Tiger Tribute.
·Campuses may provide added recognition for Tiger Tribute recipients.
·Tiger Tribute recipients will be listed on this webpage to let you know the names of the district's customer service superstars!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Who are you nominating for a Tiger Tribute? *
First and Last Name
What job does your nominee do? *
In which school or department does your nominee work? *
Why are you nominating this person? *
What is your name? *
What is your relationship to the nominee? *
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