Crypto Taxation in Africa Webinar
@O2K's first webinar dedicated to taxation of crypto assets in Africa.

It is no secret that the cryptocurrency market in Africa is one of the fastest-growing in the world and that most governments on the continent are strongly opposed to it. From explicit to implicit bans, it is astonishing that the crypto community continues to expand.

Despite these oppositions, the spread of adoption demonstrates the need for appropriate regulation. The Crypto Regulation in Africa webinar brings together tech and tax specialists from Africa to discuss this topic and:

⚠️ Illuminate on the state of crypto adoption and regulation in particular African nations.
⚠️ Analyze the effects of the absence of regulation on the African landscape.
⚠️ Suggest improvements and forms of regulation to suit the dynamic market…and more.

@O2K's latest webinar will teach you how to navigate crypto assets in Africa. We cover 4 countries: Ghana, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and Kenya. Learn how to deal with the lack of regulation and outright bans, and position yourself appropriately for the continued adoption of cryptocurrencies on the continent.
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