Keep the Music Alive Bursary Application

The Sackville Community Band Society’s “Keep the Music Alive” Bursary annually presents up to two (2) $500.00 bursaries to concert band students in Nova Scotia Junior and Senior High Schools.

Your completed Application and Reference Form must be received no later than Saturday, June 1st, 2024.

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Email *
Applicant Full Name *
Phone *
Address, including Postal Code *
Current School & Grade Completed June 2023 *
What musical studies have you taken to date? *
With whom have you studied music? *
What role has music played in your life? *
What are your long term musical goals and objectives? *
Describe your planned use of this bursary. *
Please provide any additional information you feel would assist the Bursary Selection Committee.
Additional Information
Please provide information on the person who has agreed to provide a reference for you. References could be your music teacher and/or a band director. The separate reference form is also available online and must by submitted as per the instructions on that form. 

Reference submissions are also due no later than July 14, 2023.
Reference Name *
Reference Email *
Reference Phone
Acknowledgement *
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