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This quiz is based on Chapter 5 of Land Law.  Make sure that you take time to consider the significance of what is being asked.  Remember, also, that it is not enough to know the correct answer; you need to be able to explain why it is the correct answer.
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1. Which of the following will not be binding on a purchaser in good faith for money or money’s worth of a legal interest in unregistered land?
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2. A purchaser in good faith of an equitable interest in unregistered land is bound by all pre-existing legal and equitable interests except for any beneficial interests: beneficial interests may be overreached by ensuring that the purchase moneys are paid to two or more trustees?
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3. Which three of the following cannot be registered as C class land charges?
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4. Why is the case of Wroth v Tyler [1974] Ch 30 unusual?
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5. Which of the following will result in the purchaser of a legal estate not being bound by a post-1925 restrictive covenant that has been registered as a Class D(ii) land charge?
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6. The doctrine of notice has little, if any, part to play in unregistered land after the reforms of 1925?
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