Preschool 2024-25 Interest Form
**WCS Preschool program is currently at capacity**

Please fill out this form to be considered for Warren City School's Preschool Program. Your name will be added to our waiting list upon completion. The completion of this form does not enroll your child into the preschool program. You will be contacted via email to set up a date and time for your child's registration if more spots were to become available. First priority will go to Warren City residents, it is unlikely that there will be capacity for children who live outside of Warren.
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Email *
Child's Last Name *
Child's First Name
Child's Date of Birth
Parent/Guardian's Last Name
Parent/Guardian's First Name
Primary Email Address
Parent/Guardian's Phone Number
Parent/Guardian's Alternate Phone Number
Home Address (Street Number, Name, and Direction) *
Zip Code
Do you currently have a Warren City Schools Final Forms account?
Has your child ever received Early Intervention or Help Me Grow services?
The following documents will be needed at the time of registration.
If you do not have these readily available please begin to locate them. Registration appointments will not be made until proper documentation can be provided.
Please check the following documents you currently have. Not having a document will not keep you from being added to our waiting list - but these will need to be provided at the time of registration.
Thank you for adding your child's name to our Preschool Waiting List. This is an exciting opportunity for your child! Our registration team can't wait to meet you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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