14th Euroconference in Rock Mechanics and Rock Physics
Dear all,
we hope you are keeping well! The 14th Euroconference in Rock Mechanics and Rock Physics is going to take place in Scotland from the 30th of August 2021 to the 3rd of September 2021. Our plan so far has been to run this conference as a face to face event. However, given the current uncertainties (COVID19 pandemic), we would very much appreciate your feedback in the following survey. Your responses will facilitate the further organisation and management of the 14th Euroconference.
Thanks for the participation!
Stay safe!
The 14th Euroconference Organisation committee.
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How positive are you to the prospect of a face to face conference that will take place in Glasgow from the 27th of August 2021 to the 3rd of September 2021? *
Very positive
Very negative
In case it is impossible to run a face to face conference  due to conditions imposed to us by COVID19, would you opt for an online conference in the same days? *
cetainly not
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