Artist Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in The Show Goes On Production's Artist Development Program.  Please complete this brief survey below telling us a bit about yourself.  We'll reach out to schedule a free half-hour consultation within a week.  

All consultations are held in our office in Flatiron, NYC.  For June only you have the option to meet in a Manhattan park.

TSGO's vision is to end exploitation in the Arts by cultivating the meta and making it sustainable.

How we do that: We build supportive environments for artists and Arts businesses to develop, incubate, showcase, and launch alternative, non-traditional ideas.  We do this by cultivating the entrepreneurial spirit through Exploration, Inclusion, and Evolution. #OneArtistataTime
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Email *
Name *
Location (virtual coaching is available) *
If you'd like to meet in a park, please indicate your preference below.
General Availability (check all that apply) *
Artistic Discipline *
Why are you interested in a consultation? *
What does #ArtsMeetsBiz mean to you? *
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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